Friday, 17 May 2013


There has been many interviews for the film called the ward there mostly with the director called john carpenter and the main cast member called Amber Heard. There are loads of interviews for the ward on the website imdb who are also with the main cast member and the director of the film. There are quite a lot of premier posters that are on Google images and on the imbd website for promoting the film and advertising it. Most of the advertising facilities for the ward are online on Google and YouTube. All the interviews relate back to the target audience because on all the posters it has the certificate stated nice and clearly on the front of the posters.
All the following things posters, interviews and online all help promote advertising because it shows the public that there is a new film being released and it will help the public want to buy it on DVD so it will then lead to high income for the production team.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

P4 Distribution

The Film was put straight onto a DVD it wasn’t shown in cinemas in the united states or the united kingdom . it has been shown on sky movies a couple of times but it wasn’t a very popular film until it was broadcasted onto sky movies a year ago.

P3 target audience profile

The age of the people who go to watch the film called the ward are anything from 15 upwards because thats the certificate this film has been given. but its mostly 18 year olds that watch this because they can afford to go to the cinema more than 15 year olds because there lifestyle is more better that those who are 15 becuase they have more spending power as they most proberly have a job that pays minimum wage. the gender of the audience that will go and see the film is mixed gender it can be both boys and girls its not just set for one gender.
Age: 18
Earnings £50 a month
Lifestyle: live at home, work in Asda 5 nights a week

Lo4 and m3 legal and ethnical issues

this is my powerpoint talking about the legal and ethnical issues in the film the ward and why its classed as certificate 15.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Lo1 p1 film producers competitors

This is my presetation for the film producers competitors that was around when my film was released the powerpoint includes the genre, release date and its screens in the uk alone

Friday, 1 March 2013

lo1 p3 questionnaires results

these are my results for my questioaires

the ward questionaire

The Ward Questionnaire

Would you like to see the film the ward??

What kind of genres does you like e.g. comedy, horror, and romantic)?

What gender are you?

Will you get this film on DVD ?

Where is your nearest cinema?

Who will you see this film with?

How old are you ?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

P4 The Ward scrap book

This is my information about the Ward film i have done it as a powerpoint instead of a scrapbook my infomation includes plot, cast, reviews,target audience and posters.